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4IR learning is spelled FLIPPED TEACHING

We liberate learners from rote learning and enable them to become critical thinkers and knowledge creators.

You too can have the joy to unravel the logic behind academic success!

Our role in education is to identify and fill gaps the school system is not able to cover because of their linear way of teaching.

The shocking answers to the questions we asked led to our paradigm shift:

  1. Can knowledge be transferred? No knowledge cannot be transferred from a teacher’s brain to students’ brains. Then why do teachers use all kinds of media as an attempt to transfer their knowledge to students?
  2. With how many people can you communicate at the same time? Only one. Then why do teachers believe they can teach a class?
  3. What is the brain’s weakest function? The memory. Then why are students assessed on what they can remember and the forget within a short period of time’?
  4. What is the brain’s strongest and most resilient function? The ability to think in interlinked ways. Why are students not empowered to develop their thinking skills?

As a parent, do you want your child to learn smarter, faster, remember longer, be a critical thinker and have increased marks?
As a teacher, do you want to empower your students to become knowledge producers instead of knowledge consumers?

We are engaging in a new educational paradigm, do not miss out and be left behind

Thinking Tools has an unmatched approach to maths

In short, research showed that mathematics can be compared with an embroidery which has a neat frontend and a backend where loose threads are cleverly be stitched together to provide a good-looking frontend. When doing maths and only focusing on the neat steps and recipes the subject related more to cooking and baking than to maths.


As a team of Thinking Tools researchers, we discovered how to stich tie the backend. Therefor we don’t teach examples of sums. Instead, we turn the process around. This empowers learners to cleverly tie and stich the loose end in meaningful ways. It is obvious that this results in neatly set out steps and correct answers which is the frontend of the sum.

Click to find more information on the Thinking Tools unmatched approach to maths

Click HERE to see why learners with ADHD and other challenges benefit from the Thinking Tools approach.


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